Episode 75: Living Kidney Donor – Kathryn Robison

What does it take to be a living kidney donor? Listen to Kent’s interview with Kathryn Robison a second-year Medical Student at Texas Tech. She has a frank conversation with Kent about giving her kidney to her older brother. Her open and gentle presentation allows you to understand how important living donation is. What it means to your family and to yourself. She discusses her take on the importance of being the decision-maker and stresses the importance of maintaining your health after the surgery.

Click here to read Kathryn’s blog post, mentioned during the podcast.

If you have questions regarding items discussed during this episode, contact Kent at kent.bressler@kidneysolutions.org

For more information on Kidney Solutions, visit them at www.kidneysolutions.org

Host: Kent Bressler
Producer: Jason Nunez

Check out this episode!

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